Our Mission

We monitor anti-Semitism, religious persecution, and abuse of human rights; advocating, educating and defending religious freedom, freedom of conscience and democracy in the former Soviet Union, all the while supporting partner organizations.
American Jewish Historical Society, aa-I494-b1-f2-034
How we directly support communities, activists, and initiatives within our network
American Jewish Historical Society, aa-I494-b1-f2-031
Who we are, what we do, and our history
The National Library of Israel
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Our Organizational Pillars

Core principles of engagement
These pillars inform our engagement with our community and our goals in making an impact.

Monitoring Antisemitism

We monitor antisemitism and assist in fostering communication among Jewish communities.


We strive to preserve and ameliorate the health of populations in jeopardy.

Human Rights

We work to protect human rights, religious and ethnic freedom around the world.

Cultural Heritage

We seek to protect and preserve cultural heritage landmarks, archives, and materials.

Food Justice

We work to ensure that populations in need are fed through our programs.

Fundraising & Disbursement

We fundraise to help resolve issues important to the organization.

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Happy 90th Birthday, Larry Lerner!

Happy 90th Birthday, Larry Lerner!

Today, we celebrate a truly remarkable person—Larry Lerner. More than just a leader at UCSJ, Larry is a passionate advocate, a tireless defender of human dignity, and a dear friend to so many. Whether fighting for those in need, ensuring people have food and support in times of crisis, or protecting Jewish heritage from being forgotten, Larry never stops. His dedication isn’t just about causes—it’s about people, about doing what’s right, and about making the world a little better every day. Larry, on your 90th birthday, we honor your energy, your wisdom, and your unwavering spirit. You inspire us all. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead—filled with joy, good health, and everything you love. Happy Birthday, Larry!
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